It’s a fact tarot offers interpretations, and whether you think of yourself as a spiritual person or not, one can always find parts of oneself in it. Contrary to popular belief, it’s way more down to earth than expectations make it to be – a tool that makes you gain consciousness of ideas that were, are or will be around you.
My tarot sessions are not about predicting your unchangeable future and telling you how doomed you are, but about presenting you with practical ideas that will make you understand your life better from different perspectives. My objective is to help people open their mind and be mindful of things they haven’t thought about before for the sake of self-improvement.
If you’re looking to connect with your inner self and the energy around you, to gain knowledge and understanding on your place in the world, know that I am here to help you with affordable but powerful sessions that I guarantee will leave you with more tools to navigate your life.


If you have a specific topic you want to tackle but don’t know what spread would fit, feel more than free to ask! Every single reading is personalized, and we can arrange a price depending on what you’re looking for.
The more cards, the more messages you will get. All readings with multiple cards include explanations of the connections between them.
Research about spreads! If you come to be interested in one in particular, I would be more than happy to do it for you.
All sessions include a moment for you to ask any questions you have regarding its messages afterwards.

1 card spread: 3 USD

Do you have a specific question you need a quick, short answer to? If so, this is the reading for you! Some examples: Message for you this week/month, yes or no questions, how does a specific person feel about you, what do you need to know about a situation, what are you being invited to focus on in this period of your life, etc. Includes a couple of written paragraphs of explanation.

2 cards spread: 5 USD

If you’re looking for a more elaborate reading while still staying cheap, here it is! Examples: What you have to release/What you have to retain, The situation you’re currently in/Its challenge, A natural ability you possess/What is stopping you from unleashing it at its full potential, In a relationship: How you feel/How they feel, etc. Includes one paragraph per card and an extra one with final thoughts.

3 cards spread: 10 USD

This reading is for people that want to have an in-depth understanding and dominance over a situation. Examples: Classic Past/Present/Future, Message from the universe: What you need to know/A new perspective/Action to take, What they need: Mind/Body/Spirit, For relationships: You/Them/The dynamic, Where am I now?/What do I aspire to become?/How to get there, Financial challenges/Financial Strengths/Where to find abundance, etc. Includes one paragraph per card and an extra one with final thoughts.

4 cards or more:
starting in 15 usd

Do you wish to go even beyond? Come to me about a particular question you have, and I’ll assess you with all the perspectives you must know of. You are the one who decides how deep you want to go!


- Payments are made BEFORE the reading, and ONLY through my paypal. I do not offer refunds.
- Discuss and clarify all aspects you want me to take into consideration during the reading so I can be mindful of what to pay attention to. In any case, I will always ask you questions myself before doing anything.
- I am more than free to say no to you or cancel a reading if you are disrespectful to me or my work.
- I don't provide services regarding sickness/health or NSFW.
- My sessions are trauma-friendly and go as personal and as deep as the client is comfortable with.
- The only thing I ask of my clients is to be open-minded and respectful.


DM me in the platform of your preference to request a session! they can be done in either of them.

about me

I am a 17-year-old queer latino practitioner with 4 years of experience that has done readings for all kinds of people. I learned from reading the essential books, following tarot content creators, and making countless readings for both my friends and myself over the years! I believe in the power of tarot and its ability to encourage improvement and self-discovery, and confidently decided to start my own business after encouragement from my peers.
If you're curious on what my clients have to say about me and my services, click here!